Preparing for a Boothie “Camping Trip”

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14 thoughts on “Preparing for a Boothie “Camping Trip”

  1. Marie

    Anxious to see results.

  2. Fantastic, Dave! Good luck! You are doing a wonderful thing. Experiencing history through “living history” is a great learning experience. I’ve done it. You will really feel that you are getting a deeper insight into your subject. I also think that Loyola is a wonderful choice.

    • Thanks, Betty. This remind me of a favor I was going to ask you for this project. With your Photoshop and old newspaper skills, is there anyway you could create some reproduction newspapers of the National Intelligencer and other papers Jones could have brought Booth in the pine thicket? When I look for reproduction papers all I can find is Harper’s Weekly but they didn’t report on the assassination until April 29th, after Booth was dead. Buying a real paper from those times is expense and I wouldn’t want it to get ruined out in the elements. Let me know what you think. Is it even possible?

  3. Richard Sloan

    Take something crutch-like with you and only wear one shoe. Take a little notebook (I wont mind if it’s a little spiral one!) and a pencil and a knife to mark off the days and write your I am here in despair” entries. Will someone bring you food and People magazine? A great idea, Dave. Keep your ears open for the troops! Give my regards to Tom Jones!

  4. Jeff Randolph

    Good luck Dave! As a relic hunter, I’ve wondered about the location of the pine thicket campsite and if it could be found by artifacts still there. However, I imagine that they were traveling so light that they left little if anything behind.

  5. Steve Holley

    If you stumble across the carcass of two horses, you’re in the right place !!!

  6. Jeff Randolph

    Thanks Dave! I’d heard part of a Diggers episode was filmed at St. Mary’s Church at Bryantown last year. I wonder if they found anything?

    • Jeff,

      I was there when the Diggers guys were showing their finds to assassination author Michael Kauffman, Let’s just say that, if nothing else, the guys were very entertaining.

  7. Good luck, Dave!

  8. Tom K

    Are you going to be speaking at the Surratt Society Conference?

    • Not this year, Tom. But I’m very excited about the lineup of speakers this year. It’s going to be a great conference.

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